How To Use VibraCool®

Choose Hot or Cold
You can use the VibraCool® ice packs or hot snap packs. Cold packs are recommended for most use cases, but heat may be more comfortable for some, especially if you have muscle spasms.

Place Vibration Unit
Place the VibraCool® vibration unit into the neoprene pouch. For Plantar unit, feed the strap though the slot on the vibration unit. You can also use the vibration unit by itself directly on trigger points for additional relief, or to help wake muscles up before exercise.

Position VibraCool®
Place frozen ice pack or activated heat snap underneath the strap and secure snugly over the area of pain.

Turn VibraCool® On
Activate vibration by firmly pressing the button on top of the unit for at least 5 seconds. The vibration unit will auto-shut off after 10 minutes. It is not recommended to use for more than 20 minutes at a time.